• (+977) 01-6633179
  • auspicious.consult@gmail.com

Mission, Vision & Objectives


    In the face of ongoing socio-political transformation in the country, the mission of AEC is to provide substantive analytical inputs for policy making on contemporary issues through rigorous research and dissemination of findings.



    The vision of AEC is to become a Centre of Excellence for quality research, education and development in Nepal



    • To provide consultancy services in policy research, strategy formulation and participatory planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, surveys and assessments of development projects related to agriculture, biodiversity, natural resources, education, health, tourism, rural development, law and justice, human rights, gender issues, social discrimination, violence against women, public accountability, disasters, irrigation, migration, human trafficking, livelihood etc. .
    • To provide training in proposal writing, report writing, fund raising, monitoring and evaluation, public speaking, personality development, career development, job hunting, research methodology, data analysis, project design and computer based software.
    • To support the local to national level government authorities as well as national and international nongovernmental organizations, UN agencies for providing the information, coordination, facilitation, liaison and management of their interest in social and economic development of Nepal
    • To carry out research and academic activities on the contemporary issues related to the national development and advancement of society.
    • To contribute to rational opinion building by disseminating information and findings.
    • To conduct activities to develop and enhance human resources essential for policy making and research.
    • To exchange resources, technology and information with both national and international institutions.
    • To implement development activities.
    • Contribute to addressing the evidence based research, thematic research and development-oriented research and analysis;
    • Promote informed policy debate on its thematic areas;
    • Provide services like data entry, language translation, report writing, data analysis and other short term services
    • Help the government and other relevant policy makers in the formulation and implementation of relevant policies and their effective implementation
    • To carry out the pre and detailed feasibility study of rural infrastructure (Road, Motorable bridge, suspension bridge, trail, drinking water supply, irrigation systems, buildings etc.) including construction supervision and implementation.
    • To Prepare DTMP, master plan, district profile and inventory reports and investigations.
    • To conduct users survey, base line study, capacity building trainings, interaction meetings, seminar, technical talk, workshop, impact study and social studies.
    • To carry out pre and detailed feasibility study, detailed survey, design & cost estimation, supply, installation and supervision on the alternative energy (renewable sources of energy such as micro/mini hydro-electricity, solar, biogas, and wind energy), Alternative Transportation (local ropeway technology, gravity ropeway, mechanized bridge, river crossing technology (Tuin, Ghirling etc) and Infrastructure Technology and other resources and supporting on their appropriate management, modernization and expansion.
    • Bringing the local manpower to the mainstream of all round development of the country by providing the awareness to the local human resources for the appropriate technology management and development of renewable energy in the rural areas.
    • Making research & investigation of local ropeway technology (Mechanized Bridge, Gravity Ropeway, and Nepali Cable Car), river crossing technology (Multi Span Tuin, Ghirling etc.), study in developing efficient hybrid turbine, water pumping for water supply and irrigation utilizing locally generated electricity.
    • Implementation and management of renewable energy resources and benefiting all stakeholders by providing consulting services with quality output within scheduled time.
    • Civil works construction and supervision of innovative works such as modified river crossing technology, efficient gravity ropeway, micro/mini hydropower projects, with the best engineering practices and quality/ standards.
    • Supply and installation of electromechanical equipment of Micro/Mini Hydro Power Projects including transmission & distribution accessories and
    • Develop Auspicious Environmental Consult as independent evidence based research institute in the global arena.